Life Groups

Life Groups

What is a Life Group? Did you know that you were designed to thrive in community with other believers and experience the truth that Life is Better Together? Life Groups are the friends you grow, laugh and serve with. To help you reach your full potential, we challenge every person to do life together with others in a Life Group.

Life Groups are small groups in which people connect and do life together, build friendships, learn God's Word, serve and participate in missions and outreach. This makes Life Groups the perfect way for Harmony to stay focused on Sharing Hope Together.

All of our Life Groups spend time in God's Word discovering how God's truth applies and is lived out in every day life. This is where real, life-enriching relationships form and develop.

Each group is challenged to study the Bible regularly, hang-out together monthly, and serve together quarterly. 

When and Where do Life Groups Meet?

Most Groups meet every other week. Groups meet on campus, in homes, coffee shops, restaurants, and other places in the community, all throughout the week. We have groups in Avon, Brownsburg, Danville, Plainfield, and Mooresville. 

What Do Life Groups Study?

Most groups go through the same study together. Many times a study is video-based with a participant's guide for engaging discussion. Other times we dig deeper and have discussion and application from the weekend message. Some Life Groups are topic-specific designed to meet a specific need for a season of life. 

What About Child Care?

If the group meets during a scheduled church service on the campus of Harmony, childcare is provided. Other groups work out the need for child care based on what works best for the group. If child care is a necessity for you, check the Life Group listings for a description of that group's child care. We believe in Life Groups and we will help you find a solution for child care needs.

Find a group that works for you and join one today.

Life Groups for every need

Catch a glimpse of the Life Groups that are available and then click on the link below to help you find out more details about a group that you are interested in attending. Take a look at current Life Groups by clicking right here.

  • Life Groups

    These are open to those who are interested in participating in Life Groups. These groups usually meet every other week and are made up of couples, singles, the young and the young at heart. These groups usually study the same topic and are typically made  up of people with similar interests and needs. This broad section of Life Groups is a great way to learn more about Christ, build relationships with others and experience that Life is Better Together. For more information on our life groups, please click here.

  • Women's Life

    Do you desire authentic community with other women? To connect and experience life as God intended? We offer short-term and ongoing groups for various stages of life. We were created for community and we want to help you experience that. 

  • Men's Life

    Men, you were created on purpose, for a purpose. Men’s Life has been engineered as a series of catalytic events and short-term gatherings to bring you toward the center of God’s design in all facets of life. Come explore the greater life to which God has called us.  "BE ALERT, STAND FIRM IN THE FAITH, ACT LIKE A MAN, BE STRONG."  1 CORINTHIANS 16:13  To Join our latest Study with Rick Burgess and The Man Church Click Here

  • Married Life

    Married life is designed to strengthen your relationship and rekindle the romance by discovering God’s blueprint for your marriage. To better equip and enrich your marriage, we offer relevant and fun-filled environments through: groups, opportunities and events that meet and take place periodically during the year.

  • Care/support groups

    The mission of Care/Support Groups is to provide a Christ-centered, transformation of the soul and to create a safe place for people struggling with grief and loss. Grief Share is offered Sunday afternoons 2 PM - 4 PM in Founder's Chapel (Jan 19- Apr 27).